The process normally involves syntax analysis, linking etc. It is to compile the script directly into Win32 or 64 native code. The last method is the safest, however, requires the most effort. For example, the Script2EXE claims that their product compiles scripts to EXE code without relying on CScript.exe and WScript.exe.ģ. This is safer, however, still is possible (not difficult) to be cracked. The second method is similar, however, run the Script using MS ScriptControl object, which does not necessary extract the text to file, instead, the source code can be run from memory. Using cscript.exe to run the script will yield a SHELL window showing.Ģ. The disadvantage is that this EXE is easily to crack and the source code of script can be obtained. The configuration dialog to make EXE from VBScript in vbsedit is below (version 5.2.4) Wrap the code in the EXE and hide it somewhere (for example, at the end of EXE) extract the code at runtime and run it using CScript.exe or WScript.exe.Ĭurrently, like ‘ vbsedit‘, they can wrap your code in a Win32 EXE or Win64 EXE, so the source code is not easy to obtain. For example, you might want to store ‘password’ in the script when you try to connect to a SQL server using VBScript on third party DLLs.ġ. There are currently 3 ways to hide your Script Code ( VBScript or Javascript) if you don’t want others to access to your code easily.